Brand Story

Our Vision

To be a cloud security startup that develops and markets innovative products in cloud data and web security. 

Our Logo

The Cloudsine logo features two shields, symbols of protection and defense, signifying our commitment to safeguarding our clients’ digital assets. 

The interlocking of the shields illustrates the inseparable connection between safeguarding web infrastructure and fortifying confidential information, showcasing our dedication to providing holistic security solutions that address both aspects seamlessly. 

In a similar vein, the shields also represent the partnership and collaboration between cloudsine and our clients. They represent a shared commitment to digital security, where both parties work together in a unified front against cyber threats. 

Our Product

The WebOrion Security Stack was developed and refined after many years of working with hundreds of customers who trusted us to enhance their web security. 

The WebOrion logo features a pentagon that represents our approach to comprehensive cybersecurity using the NIST framework of Identity, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover.   

The shield in the middle is a symbol of protection and trust, reflecting the company’s commitment to providing an integrated cybersecurity platform to protect our clients’ digital assets.