Use Cases > Detect and Respond to Web Threats 

Detect Web Threats and Respond Quickly 

Web security is more than just a firewall – adopt a more comprehensive approach to web security. 

What are Common Web Threats & How Can WebOrion Help?

Being able to recognize and respond quickly to common web threats is crucial for maintaining a secure online environment. 

Ransomware Attacks 

  • Hackers take control of systems or information and only restore access to organizations after a ‘payment’ has been made.  
  • WebOrion Restorer can restore your web presence, giving you time to analyze and fix the vulnerabilities. 

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks 

  • Hackers overload a server with internet traffic with the intention to disrupt the targeted server, service or network.  
  • WebOrion Protector can help protect against DDoS through filtering of malicious traffic. 

Man in the middle (MITM) Attacks 

  • A cybercriminal positions himself in between a user and application, where they can either ‘eavesdrop’ or ‘impersonate’ users, allowing them to steal personal information. 
  • WebOrion Monitor monitors DNS/WHOIS/SSL changes and also suspicious acts after an attack has occurred. 

SQL Injection

  • Code injection technique which allows hackers to access sensitive data.  
  • WebOrion Protector can detect and block SQL Injection attempts by filtering out malicious data inputs. 

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks 

  • Malicious scripts are injected into the code of trusted websites, which might lead to redirecting users to a malicious website or a user’s cookie information, compromising their account.  
  • WebOrion Protector can protect against XSS attacks by identifying and blocking malicious scripts before they are executed. 

DNS Spoofing 

  • Manipulation of DNS records, redirecting users to malicious websites.  
  • WebOrion Monitor continuously monitors SSL/DNS/Whois changes, allowing users to detect if any changes have been made. 

Elevate Your Website Security with WebOrion