Email alerts are the primary method that WebOrion Defacement Monitor uses to inform our customers about the changes to their websites. Through these email alerts, users are informed if their website becomes unreachable, or if any of WebOrion’s various engines are triggered during webpage monitoring. The email alerts are important for customers and SOC analysts to do a first-level analysis of the changes.
Knowing the importance of email alerts, we have refreshed our email alerts to incorporate the following enhancements:
● Visual colour code to indicate severity of changes
● Better layout of screenshot comparisons
● Detailed results that incorporate our changes detected by our new engines including javascript malware detection engine (JME), NLP Keywords and User Specified Keywords
● Clickable Links to web portal for more detailed analysis.
Features of the enhanced email alerts
We believe these will help customers and SOC analysts to quickly identify the severity of the changes and do first level analysis.
The email alerts will be rolling out to all WebOrion Defacement Monitor SaaS users on 10 May 2021. Below is an introduction to the new email alerts. If you have any feedback and suggestions, welcome to reach out to us at