AWS CloudGoat and mitigation strategies: Part 5

Part 2 of our own series of articles on CloudGoat and mitigation strategies. This is a step by step breakdown on how to interpret and think like an attacker and also how to go about mitigating the attacks.

AWS CloudGoat and mitigation strategies: Part 4

This is part 4 of the series on AWS Cloudgoat Scenarios and the mitigation strategies series where we explore and see how remote command injection on a web application can be used to compromise the AWS environment.

AWS CloudGoat and mitigation strategies: Part 3

In this third part, we will explore privilege escalation using EC2 instance profile attachment to obtain full admin privileges on the AWS account and also exploiting SSRF on EC2’s metadata service to get credentials.

AWS CloudGoat and mitigation strategies: Part 2

Part 2 of our own series of articles on CloudGoat and mitigation strategies. This is a step by step breakdown on how to interpret and think like an attacker and also how to go about mitigating the attacks.

AWS CloudGoat and mitigation strategies: Part 1

Part 1 of our own series of articles on CloudGoat and mitigation strategies. This is a step by step breakdown on how to interpret and think like an attacker and also how to go about mitigating the attacks.